Tag Archives: owen gildersleeve

Opening Lines: Papercut stop-motion video by Owen Gildersleeve

Have I mentioned that I love papercut art? Well, tuck that into your brain if you weren’t aware, because you’ll be seeing a lot of it from me. Have I also mentioned that I love stop-motion video? Well, tuck that into… You get the picture. Owen Gildersleeve is a papercut illustrator living in London. He’s […]

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Doodle Envy: Owen Gildersleeve

In continuing with my current seduction by papercut art, I recently learned about the work of Owen Gildersleeve. Owen not only works with paper as his medium, but also is open to sprinkling in other bits and pieces as an experiment. Scraps of yarn, pine needles, and FOOD (nice!) come together to create his illustrations […]

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